
沙黾农新浪博客【视频】沈阳尊荣路捷|45度、共999阶天梯的天门山,他竟然开着混动路虎爬上去了!-Land Rover 沈阳富路捷

【视频】沈阳尊荣路捷|45度、共999阶天梯的天门山,他竟然开着混动路虎爬上去了再造神州 !-Land Rover 沈阳富路捷

公元2018年2月12日,在我们即将迎接传统春节之前,路虎给我们带来了这样的一份惊喜,它完成了一项壮举,由Panasonic Jaguar Racing车队的勒芒赛事测试车手董荷斌,驾驶揽胜运动版 P400e插电式混合动力车周森锋 ,成功爬上999级的中国湖南张家界天门山天梯。
位于中国湖南省张家界永定区的天门山,是举世闻名的观光景点,而天门山主峰海拔1铁路冲浪 ,518.6米,平均海拔为1,400米左右,并非相当高耸,但是由于天门洞奇景,让天门山素有「厢曦第一神山」、「武陵之魂」与「张家界之魂」的赞誉。而要从天门山底层登上天门洞口,就必须爬上总计999级的天梯。另外,盘据在天门洞下的天门山路戴佳乐,多达99处的弯角与发夹弯,也形成如白龙般的蜿蜒姿态。
由于正处我国的传统假日,国内媒体流出的相关资料不是特别多傲世翔天 。国外的自由撰稿人Daniel Patrascu第一时间将评述发出基维斯,让我们一起看看他是怎么说的。
A natural arch on top of the Tianmen Mountain in China is at times referred to as Heaven's Gate. Visitors can get there using the cablecar, or by choosing the harder way, the 999 steps that lead to the site. Until this weekend负子蟾 , no car has ever attempted to climb those steps.
中国天门山的天然拱门有时被称为天堂之门。游客可以乘坐缆车到达那里全惠珍 ,或者选择更艰难的路,通那里的999级台阶。直到本周末完颜宗翰 ,没有一台车尝试登上它。
On Monday, Land Rover announced that is no longer the case, as one of its vehicles managed to go where no other car usually goes: up a very long staircase. In short, a Range Rover made an epic journey: 99 turns, 999 steps on a 45-degree staircase, and an 11.3 km-long (7 miles) Tianmen Mountain Road.
周一,路虎宣布这个局面将被打破,因为它旗下的一款车将走完没有其他车能走的路:爬上一段很长的楼梯。 简而言之,黄光宏 揽胜史诗般的旅程:99道弯r的同音词,999级呈45度的阶梯沙黾农新浪博客 ,天门山路11.3公里(7英里)。
The feat was achieved by a showroom standard Range Rover Sport P400e仙班校园2 , driven by Le Mans class-winner and Panasonic Jaguar Racing’s Ho-Pin Tung. The car was in no way prepared for the event, apart for the excessive use of the Terrain Response system.
这项壮举是由Panasonic Jaguar Racing车队的勒芒赛事测试车手董荷斌驾驶的Range Rover Sport P400e完成。除了过多的使用全地形反馈适应系统之外,他的车没有为这次活动作更多准备。
“I’ve experienced Formula E, Formula 1 and won at the 24 Hours of Le Mans but this was, without doubt魔域传说, one of the most demanding driving challenges I’ve ever faced想念你的歌 ,” said driver Ho-Pin Tung.
“我曾经经历过Formula E,Formula 1,并在勒芒24小时耐力赛中获胜z计划 ,但毫无疑问,这是我遇到过的最具挑战性的挑战之一娱乐反斗星,”驾驶员董荷斌说。
“The Range Rover Sport PHEV performed brilliantly as it inspired real confidence on the mountain road and climbed the stairs up to Heaven’s Gate effortlessly.”
A fantastic set of photos has been released by Land Rover to prove the achievement of the car during what the manufacturer calls the world's first Dragon Road challenge. More will probably follow.
The Dragon Challenge is a series of events designed by the British company to showcase the capabilities of the Range Rover Sport. It now includes the PHEV model, the same which made its debut in a race against two-time open-water swimming world champion Keri-anne Payne and endurance athlete Ross Edgley.
龙的挑战是由英国公司设计的一系列活动,以展示揽胜运动的性能。它现在包括PHEV车型,这款车曾在露天游泳世界冠军 Keri-Anne Payne和耐力运动员 Ross Edgley的竞赛中首次亮相。

You can see how this went down (or up)in the attached gallery. An amazing video showing the incredible climb is also available below (the fun starts at minute 4:00)

穿过云雾之后,丝毫不敢懈怠的董荷斌终于以包含天门山路的总时间22分41秒王碧琪 ,成功完成这项壮举秘踪拳。


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